“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.”
— Robert Holden
Friends, this has become my truth. I am many things but as this year progresses I find I am more and more grateful. I appreciate small things (like the older couple that offered my family of four their dinner table when were out the other night) despite the gentleman having his arm in a cast.
I give more readily – of myself and of my time. I want to BE THERE living every moment to its fullest. My little worries have fallen to the wayside – and I see potential where I once saw failure.
As we come to Thanksgiving I want to ask you all to take a moment and think about what makes you TRULY grateful. Is it something simple like having a loving family? Food on the table? A roof over your head and enough money to keep it there?
For me – I’m grateful for opportunities. Opportunities to be a better person. Opportunities to give someone else a better life – even if it’s only in the moment. Opportunities for second chances (and third and maybe fourth) cause Lord knows I’m not perfect and man – do I need them sometimes.
Most off all – I’m extremely grateful for this project. In the past six months I have stretched outside my comfort zone, taken chances and made real change – how incredible is that? Plus – I have a written record. Someday, I’ll take all these posts, print them out and bind them into a book for my family. My greatest joy is that my children – as they grow – will have a chance to really know how I strove to make a difference.
I can only hope it inspires them to do the same.
Happy holidays ya’ll…go forward in kindness and love.
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