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Showing posts from November, 2014


“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.” — Robert Holden Friends, this has become my truth.  I am many things but as this year progresses I find I am more and more grateful.  I appreciate small things (like the older couple that offered my family of four their dinner table when were out the other night) despite the gentleman having his arm in a cast. I give more readily – of myself and of my time.  I want to BE THERE living every moment to its fullest. My little worries have fallen to the wayside – and I see potential where I once saw failure. As we come to Thanksgiving I want to ask you all to take a moment and think about what makes you TRULY grateful.  Is it something simple like having a loving family?  Food on the table?  A roof over your head and enough money to keep it there? For me – I’m grateful for opportunities.  Opportunities to be a better person.  Opportuni...

I've Got Spirit! Yes I Do!!

“Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” - Dale Evans Ok, yes – I know – it’s not Christmas yet.  Usually I am the first one complaining about “Christmas Overload” where the decorations start filling store shelves and holiday music is playing in October.  But this year I feel different.  I feel excited about Christmas.   I’m ready.  So so ready. I think it’s because of my Kind Year commitment.  I really do.   Instead of seeing Christmas as a hassle (too many gifts, too much money, too little time) I’m beginning to see it as a magical moment where my efforts can truly make a mark. I’m inspired. Inspired by my kiddos – who seem to be picking up this Kind Year vibe and running with it.  Case in point – my oldest –  decided to start a little snow shoveling/yard raking business this year. He’s 10 going on 11 and ready to help out, make some money and do his part.  He cr...

Fear, Loathing & Hatred in My Kind Life

“Forgiving is not forgetting. It’s letting go of the hurt.” - Unknown It was instantaneous and vitriol and in my head before I even had a moment to register. “Ughh…I hate her!” “Her” was a girl I went to high school with over 20 years ago.  I have not seen nor spoken with this girl since then…yet seeing her profile picture flash across a friends Facebook page brought it all back.  Even though I know I shouldn’t hate her – I really don’t even KNOW her – it was the first thing that popped into my head. The funny thing is – we were on again/off again best friends through much of junior high and high school. However, it was a friendship based on mutual disrespect.  She had a “reputation” that made her quite popular with the boys. I had a self esteem problem that I fed relentlessly.  We were a perfect storm of self loathing. Sometimes, the stars would align and we’d be brief but glorious allies.  Most of the time, however, we were using the oth...

Checkin' In: How You Doin'?

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” - Dalia Lama Well – October has come and gone.  I hope everyone had a great month and enjoyed the cuteness and candy of Halloween.  It’s a good time for a little touch base and check in. So – how you doin? Are you participating in the 10 cans of conscious kindness challenge?  If so – you only have about 6 weeks to finish up shopping for your 10 food items to donate to a charity (by which I mean ANYONE you see fit) and help ease hunger. I have been moving forward with my quest.  It started with a box a Bisquick and after about 4 weeks I have the following items ready to go for my family in need. Well, not a lot of fancy going on there but I think it’s a great little start.  A family could easily have at least one, if not two, complete, nutritious meals with those items.  In the next few weeks I’ll continue to add items that are versatile and healthy plus I definitely want to bring in...

I Didn't Stop...

“Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.” - Peter Marshall Yesterday I was coming home from a quick run to Whole Foods. The weather was perfect and I thought it would be a great day to have an “Indian Summer” dinner with burgers and dogs. I’m pretty fussy with my meat and I normally won’t buy it at the “regular” grocery store because I want it to be “clean” and if possible, grass fed, local, etc. I know it is a luxury not everyone can afford but since we rarely eat meat (husband is a veggie) it’s a worthy splurge in my world. So – I bought some local beef and some organic hot dogs. On the way home I noticed a woman standing on the corner. She had a sign and her head hung pretty low. I watched her while I sat at the light – BUT I DID NOT STOP. I didn’t stop.  Sometimes it’s just too damn much. Maybe it was the despair I felt when I saw her sitting there. This is a very suburban area that tends to be untouched by homelessness. However, in the past y...