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Where has the year gone? 2013 Wrap Up!


I can't believe the last time I added to this blog was May 2013.

Several  years ago when I started Positively Mom Street I made a promise to myself to write everyday. Everyday soon turned into once a week, then once a month - and now here we are - barely checking in handful of times a year!

Ahh...I guess life happens.  The saddest part for me is this is a record of my family - one not ravaged by time and my ever flaky memory.  First resolution for 2014 - make more of an effort to capture the days before it's too late.

So - that out of the way - it was quite a year!  I started a new job, left said new job, and started another new job.  I am happy to report this one looks like a keeper!! :-)  Constantly acquiring and departing employment is exhausting.  However, despite the ups and downs I've tried hard to find the value in my experiences.  My biggest take-away from "Job Hunt 2013" is - listen to your gut.  While I did not want to admit it, I knew early on (by March 2013) that the role I accepted in January was NOT a good fit for me.  But I was afraid to start over, afraid of failure, of judgement, of trying AGAIN only to fail AGAIN.  Overall - I was just scared.

Sometimes fear is so powerful it can paralyze.  I spent the last 6 weeks of that job trying to convince myself I could make it through.  Maybe it wasn't THAT bad.  However, when I started waking up every morning with intense stomach pains I knew something had to give.  When I was told that in order to "meet expectation" I needed to start traveling a minimum of one week out of each month - my fear gave way to straight up anger and resentment.  It was time to move on.  So, I did.  I gathered up my courage, walked into HR and said what I needed to say.  Then I left and have not looked back.   It was terrifying and liberating and the most intense thing I have ever done.  I feel like I came full circle in just a few short months but in a good way.  I regained my confidence and put myself on a path to happiness.  And it worked. :-)  I was super lucky to find a new job in less than one month and it's a much better fit.  I love my new work, I am challenged but not overburdened and feel like I am finally in the right place.

So...that's all for now.  I plan to write another blog or two in the next week to go over all the amazing things that my kiddos did this year - and not to brag - but they were pretty incredible for a 4 and 9 year old. Mommy pride aside - my kids are fantastic.

Until then...




  1. Good to hear from you and know all is well, Kim!!!! We move to TX next sure is crazy :)


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