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Showing posts from May, 2011


It's been a while since I've posted despite my intents of writing everyday.  I don't really have an excuse beyond 'too busy' which is NOT a good excuse at all.  So...this is a fresh start.  Tomorrow marks the start of a new month and a chance to redeem myself. In the end - this is about me capturing what is important and positive throughout the day - and I'm only cheating myself when I don't follow through. At the end of the year I want to print this all out and have a written record of how AWESOME and WONDERFUL my family (and life!!) truly is - help keep me on focus! Until tomorrow... Positively, Kim

It's the little things...

What a truly wonderful day!  I was anxious how this week would turn out since Hayden was done with school and the baby's daycare was closed - but it really worked out well!  Ms. Courtney came and watched the kiddos  while I worked and they had a great time despite the grey weather.  Chuck-E-Cheese the first morning, then Chic-fil-a the second - plus some park and game time thrown in for good measure.  Hayden was all mopey when I told him she wasn't coming back tomorrow! Aside from that - I just felt good today.  The sun came out for the first time in what seems like weeks and it really perked up my spirits.  I stole a glance at Pikes Peak in my rear view mirror and enjoyed listening to the jibber-jabber of the kiddos.   Harlyn sang me a very loud, very angry rendition of "I love you, you love me" while I was making dinner - it was adorable despite the angst.   While I was putting Hayden to bed he leaned over and said "I love hav...

Baby all better...

We're just so happy!  She finished her final dose of antibiotic today and is completely back to her old self.  A few photos to show her spirits - I am so pleased with how quickly she recovered and bounced back to her little crazy self!  I love my Minnie from Grammie! Cute even with shaggy hair Even healthy, happy girls need their rest! Healthy kiddos are the best! Until tomorrow... Positively, Kim

Wonderful weekend...

We had a really nice time.  The baby is doing so much better - she has pretty much stopped coughing and seems to get stronger everyday.  It was time for a good little break. Family swim, anniversary dinner and opening day at the V7 pool - Chris was proud to be the 1st person to sign in at the pool.  He and Hayden both swam even though it wasn't warm - like 65 - and the pool heater is broken. Insanity... I do have a bad case of summer fever though.  I just want it to be HOT.  Like now. Until tomorrow, Positively, Kim

Tired times two...

Well, the baby isn't any better.  In fact she got a bit worse between Monday and today.  The doctor is still trying to keep her out of the hospital which I really appreciate - however - being caregiver, mommy, full time employee as well as wife have completely exhausted me.  I need a major nap and some serious downtime but I don't see either on the horizon. I guess I am lucky though.  This is a temporary situation - my baby will get better - be off oxygen and breathing treatments - and life will return to its own little normal.  I realized today that there are parents out there whose LIVES revolve around these things - that their children won't get better - and it both humbles and amazes me.  I'm  humbled because I can't help but think - OMG - this is SO DAMN HARD right now - how in the world do these parents of sick/disabled kids ever make it?  I'm two days in and ready to throw in the towel - but for them - this IS their normal.  I am ama...

Sicky snuggles

Today was better than yesterday.  The baby is still exhausted and spent the entire day sitting in my lap.  We watched an amazing assortment of television - Imagination Movers in Concert (her fav), Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer and then Imagination Movers a g ain !  I was even able to work while she sat quietly in my lap - overall not a bad day.  Plus - I think I got more Harlyn love in one day then I have since she was born - she is just NOT a natural snuggler! :-)  However, she IS straight up adorable - picture proof below. Until tomorrow... Positively, Kim

Baby with Oxygen...

...ugh...I hate it when the kids are sick.  The baby has had a cough since Thursday but it didn't seem to be slowing her it was business as usual.  Come Sunday - the cough was a bit more pronounced and her meltdowns were coming on strong - I think she cried for the better part of the day.  I decided to take her in today 'just to be safe' - I was totally surprised when they said pneumonia.  The doctor told me she'd need oxygen - ok - what every couple of hours?  Nope - try 24/7 until I bring her back on Wednesday - not what I was thinking AT ALL. Mommy guilt set in.  Why didn't I know?  I should have taken her to urgent care when she was so out of sorts yesterday.  I'm not a good Mom... :-('s just been a very long, very exhausting day for both of us.  I'm hoping the oxygen, antibiotic (speaking of which - hello - they gave me a 20 DAY supply) and Cherrytussin cough syrup help her sleep and start feeling like herself aga...

Harry the Dirty Dog

I love to read.  It's always been important to me - and I wanted to foster a love of reading for my own kiddos. Hayden was easy - he couldn't get enough - even as young as a year he would sit patiently and listen to story after story.  Harlyn didn't pick it up as early - she was too distracted to sit still long enough to make it through an entire story - but in the past 6 months or so her interest has grown considerably. This is one of her favorites.  Ironically - it was also one of Hayden's favorites - and if we go way, way back in time - one of my own favorites as a little girl.  I remember loving the way Harry "flip-flopped and flop-flipped" while trying to prove that HE was really Harry.  There is something really cool and amazing about sharing a great story with my kids - and having them both just LOVE it - especially a timeless book like Harry.  It's over 50 years old (!!!) which just blows my mind.  I hope in another 20 years or so I'll get ...


My little besties.  This pic speaks for itself...I love those kiddos! Until tomorrow... Positively, Kim

Finally...finally... Friday

Harlyn has this wicked cough - and while I feel terrible that she feels terrible - LISTENING to that endless hack makes my skin crawl.  Nothing rubs me the wrong way more than an endless, raspy, hacking it's back on honey syrup and propped up pillows.  I'm borrowing a nebulizer and will give her a treatment tonight - I hope that is enough to settle her down - the last cough came and went quickly - but obviously is back for round two. Dislike. On the other hand - I am thrilled that it is Friday - which means two things in my world - a clean house (at least every other Friday - my cleaning lady is straight up wonderful) and date night with my lover.  Chips, salsa, queso and a lovely adult beverage to make me happy - my needs are simple. Enjoy your weekend... Positively, Kim

Ready for summer...

but it seems to be taking its sweet time arriving.  We had a great week of sunshine, V7 is filling up the pool, and I'm just SO READY to get on with the easy, slow days of summer.  Unfortunately, our high today was 40 with a winterly combination of rain, sleet, hail and snow...not exactly skirt, sandal and tank top weather.  Oh well...soon it will be HOT and I will be sporting bikinis, working summer hours and generally kickin' back. A few Harlyn-isms to close out the day...she's talking up a blue streak and the things that come out of her mouth...oh my! "Pfft. Pfft.  Momma...I spitting at you...with me mouth." "Hey butterfly....hey butterfly...go stink!" and my personal favorite "Mommy - this cup is yucky.  It poop." Until tomorrow... Positively, Kim

No ambition

I don't want to do this.  It kinda sucks I feel that way - cause it's fun and I love remembering all the sweetness in each day. But I'm feeling lazy. I'm writing anyway - it's a start. Until tomorrow... Positively, Kim

Mother's Day is over-rated...

I mean - just one day to celebrate EVERYTHING mom does?  The sentiment is nice and all - but the "holiday" just kinda rings false for me.  Probably because MD is always a disaster in this house.  This year was no exception.  Woke up to the kids playing quietly - which was nice since it was only 6am - and kinda just laid in bed listening to them gibber and jabber about important kiddo stuff - thinking - by god - this will be a good day. Nope.  They were quiet because they were causing trouble - something I should have suspected immediately since I have been a Mom for 7 years.  They were in deep doo-doo - literally - the babies carpet was covered with poop - and so was the dog.  So the morning started with scrubbing doody off a carpet - instead of breakfast in bed - which was what I'd been hoping. :-) Ahh the scars of motherhood. I survived - the day moved on - and we went swimming, had lunch, took a hike and ended the day with ice cream for all - ...


Off for the next few days to the happiest place on Earth with my favorite little man. I can't wait!!! Most likely won't write again until we return. Remain positive! Kim


Quiet little Sunday.  Finally feeling better - baby girl has stopped coughing, I'm almost over my cold as well - and everyone just seemed mellow and ready for a nice day at home.  Morning time at the gym then lunch at Fargo's per Haydie's request.   Ran into some of our dear friends celebrating their daughters birthday while we were there...and Hayden was kind enough to get a balloon for her. :-)  Kids also played video games and won candy in the machines at the arcade. On the way home both kids were excited about the morning.  Harlyn had won a lollipop and was happily eating it and chatting away..."I wash me face." Huh?  This grabbed my attention and I looked over at Daddy. ??? "What do you mean, your washing your face?"  I asked cautiously. Harlyn happily replied, "I wash me face with me sucker." Oh my - I turned around to see her smiling broadly, covered with sticky and running the lollipop not only over her face but also through h...