"If you don't watch your children all the time you'll miss something." "Turn off your phone and tune into your child." "Every moment is precious - don't waste a single minute of parenthood." Lately there has been a rash of articles condemning parents for talking on their phone or surfing the web instead of "watching" their child. I don't know about you - but I'm kinda over this whole sentiment. I'm here to say it's okay if you look away. 'Cause do you really SEE what is in front of you all the time? I know I don't. In fact, when I try to be that "perfect" parent - you know - the one that is at the park and fully engaged with their kids - running, laughing, watching every little step - it's kind of an act. I'm not REALLY into playing the 20th round of hide and seek - I'm just going through the motions. Sure, the first couple of times were great fun - everyone la...
Finding and highlighting the positive in every day life.