Ok - so this year, since I'm playing SAHM - I thought I'd get creative and MAKE a costume for Hayden. Now - all of you that know me are laughing and shaking your heads - mentally making a bet on how long it will be before I quit, cave and run to Target to purchase the nearest suitable costume for my little man. I am here - on the world wide web - to declare that I WILL NOT QUIT!!! Terrified but determined! I am dedicated and WILL make a costume for Hayden. It WILL be awesome - he WILL love it - and everyone WILL bow their heads in awe at how great and amazing our home made crafty costume turned out. So it is written - and promoted - and now I have to follow through or face the embarrassment of failure in front of all my family, friends and the greater gods of the Internet. Stay tuned, my friends, as I whip my creative juices into a frenzy of costume making glory. Do not hate - do not be jealous - just wait, watch and be ready to gasp (I hope in amazement...
Finding and highlighting the positive in every day life.