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Showing posts from September, 2012

The Halloween Costume...Part 1...the Commitment

Ok - so this year, since I'm playing SAHM - I thought I'd get creative and MAKE a costume for Hayden. Now - all of you that know me are laughing and shaking your heads - mentally making a bet on how long it will be before I quit, cave and run to Target to purchase the nearest suitable costume for my little man. I am here - on the world wide web - to declare that I WILL NOT QUIT!!! Terrified but determined! I am dedicated and WILL make a costume for Hayden.  It WILL be awesome - he WILL love it - and everyone WILL bow their heads in awe at how great and amazing our home made crafty costume turned out. So it is written - and promoted - and now I have to follow through or face the embarrassment of failure in front of all my family, friends and the greater gods of the Internet. Stay tuned, my friends, as I whip my creative juices into a frenzy of costume making glory. Do not hate - do not be jealous - just wait, watch and be ready to gasp (I hope in amazement...

Doggie Doo-Doo Fun

Baby girl just ran over - super duper excited - about this game. I'm not kidding - she was giddy with joy - alternately hugging the iPad and yelling "Dog Poop!  Dog Poop!" while running back and forth from the couch to my computer. Really now?  Are the toy makers that desperate?  How did that conversation go? "Anyone have ideas for a fresh new kids game?" Silence. "C'mon people - there must be at least one unique idea out there.  Use your heads.  Tom, what do you think?" "Shit, I don't know." "Shit?  Shit! Yes - that is unique!  I don't think there are ANY other toys on the market that deal with shit. This is brilliant." And a game about dog poop was born.  :-( Perhaps hubby was right when he characterized our  Harlyn as a "Tomboy Princess" - for a little girl that wants everything pink and sparkly she sure seemed over the top for some Play-Dough poop.  She made me promise I would "go to t...

Bye Bye Summer

I love September.  I think the weather is absolutely perfect - not too hot like the hazy days of July and August - but not too cold like October and November.  If Colorado could maintain September weather all year round it would be the absolute perfect place to live.  Now don't get me wrong - I love my Colorado no matter how you slice it - by far the most perfect place for my family and I - but I'm especially enamored during the mild, sunny days of September. Look at that view! We had a truly gorgeous little weekend escape at one of our favorite places -  Salida .  We just love it down that way - it's only an few hours from Colorado Springs but it's a world apart.  When we start the drive through the canyon all my troubles and cares just melt away as I watch the river wind.  The kids love it too.  This was the first time we've gone this late in the season - normally we travel down in either June or July - but due to our trip to NY we had to ...