It's been a fun little weekend. I traveled for work and was kiddo-free for a few days. It was nice to focus on work and myself but I missed my little monsters. On Friday - just before bed - Hayden asked if I wanted to see a magic trick. Sure...why not? So...we head up to the bathroom. He takes a big drink of water - smiles at me - and says "watch this." He then turns to the toilets - drops drawers - and starts to pee. "See Mom - the water I just drank immediately turned into pee." Hmm...not sure if that's quite magic but I was torn between scolding him for being gross and giggling cause it was kinda funny. I guess that is magic for 7 year old boys. Harlyn was running around the house on Saturday morning being her little crazy self - in and out of rooms, tearing things up - just being a wild woman. Suddenly - I noticed it was fairly quiet - and I thought I could hear her little high-pitched voice but not clearly. I got ever...
Finding and highlighting the positive in every day life.